How social media is destroying us.

 1.)Self-Comparison-Social media cultivates a culture of constant comparison, fostering feelings of inadequacy and low self-esteem among the youth.

2.)Cyberbullying Epidemic- The online realm facilitates cyberbullying, causing emotional distress and long-lasting psychological effects on vulnerable individuals.

3.)Body Image Distortion-Idealized body images prevalent on social media contribute to distorted perceptions, fostering body dissatisfaction and unhealthy beauty standards.

4.)Addictive Behavior-The addictive nature of social platforms can lead to excessive screen time, negatively impacting mental health, sleep patterns, and overall well-being.

5.)Fear of Missing Out (FOMO)-Continuous exposure to others' seemingly exciting lives induces FOMO, fostering anxiety and a sense of exclusion among the youth.

6.)Erosion of Privacy-Constant sharing of personal information online compromises privacy, exposing youth to potential risks and security threats.

7.)Shortened Attention Spans- Rapid scrolling and constant content consumption contribute to shortened attention spans, affecting concentration and academic performance.

8.)Social Isolation-Paradoxically, while connected online, excessive social media use may lead to real-world social isolation and hinder face-to-face interactions.

9.)Unhealthy Influencer Culture- Youth are influenced by online personalities promoting materialism and unrealistic lifestyles, leading to misplaced priorities and values.

10.)Validation Dependency- The pursuit of online validation creates a dependency on external approval, detracting from the development of genuine self-worth and confidence among the youth.


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